All Recipes

CNS17 Standard (ml / gal)

Botanicare has developed many other products for specific growing needs. Follow the application instructions on individual web pages or product labels, or use our nutrient calculator to ensure recommended PPMs/ECs are not exceeded when adding additional supplements.

Growth StageSeedlings / ClonesVegetative Bloom TransitionFlowering / FruitingRipening
Number of WeeksWeek 1Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8
CNS17 Grow7 ml17 ml19 ml20 ml00000000
CNS17 Bloom000020 ml20 ml22 ml24 ml25 ml25 ml00
CNS17 Ripe000000000027 ml22 ml