Botanicare Kind
View a video about the benefits of using KIND Plant Nutrient System. KIND is a three part nutrient system unlike...
Botanicare Pure Blend (Original)
Video about the benefits of using Pure Blend (original). Botanicare’s Pure Blend is an organic compost that is completely water...
CNS17 Bloom SDS
CNS17 Feed Sheet
CNS17 Grow SDS
CNS17 Ripe SDS
CNS17 Starter Kit
View a video about the CNS17 Starter Kit. Discover the Botanicare® line of hydroponic nutrients with Botanicare’s new CNS17® Starter...
GBC PureBlendPro Recipe
KIND Feed Sheet
Kind® groundbreaking cultivation control
KIND® represents more than 15 years of knowledge and expertise. KIND’s proprietary formula is a combination of mined minerals and...
Plant Nutrients
Macro-Nutrients Symbol From Avail to Plants Function in Plants Nitrogen N NO3-, NH4+ Component of amino acids, proteins, nucleotides, nucleic...
Pure Blend Pro Bloom Feed Sheet
Pure Blend Pro Kit
View a video about the Pure Blend Pro Starter Kit. Botanicare’s Pure Blend Pro is a hydro-organic compost solution blended...
Pure Blend Pro SDS
Pure Blend Pro Soil Feed Sheet
Pure Blend® Pro Grow Product Label