Benching Shopping Guide

Compare Benches & Trays

We’ve developed benching systems and tray options that are designed to add efficiency and increase productivity in many growing environments.The comparison chart below highlights where each system and tray style perform best and offer the most value.

View comparison charts⇒

Key considerations:

Botanicare BenchingIcons01 RoomSize 240605ae

Room size

Botanicare BenchingIcons02 FlooringCondition 240605ae

Flooring condition

Botanicare BenchingIcons03 AisleSizeReq 240605ae

Aisle size requirements

Botanicare BenchingIcons04 PlantingDensityAirflow 240605ae

Planting density and airflow

If you’d like a personalized design consultation, fill out the form below and our benching experts will contact you to help.

Comparison charts

The comparison charts below highlight where each system and tray style perform best and offer the most value. Use the charts to narrow down options that align with your specific goals.

Compare Benching Systems: Track vs. Slide

Project requirements have a direct impact on the benching solution that’s right for you. Use the references below to better understand how each option impacts your design strategy.

Botanicare BenchingPDPHeaderBBlu 240605ae (1)
ConsiderationTrack Benches
(Unlimited Travel)
5′ Extra Roll
(27″ Travel)
Slide Benches
(17″ Travel)
Lengths Greater than 60’6”
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Botanicare BenchingIconsLengthGreaterThan 240605ae
When benching lengths exceed 60.5’ in total length Botanicare recommends using Slide bench or breaking Track system down into smaller lengths. Our design options will help you navigate the right solution.
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Unlevel Flooring
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Botanicare BenchingIconsLengthGreaterThan 240605ae
Botanicare Slide bench is the only solution that Botanicare suggests in an environment where the flooring is more than 1/2 inch out of level.
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Level Flooring
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Botanicare BenchingIconsLengthGreaterThan 240605ae
Botanicare Track benches must be installed on a level surface, within 1/2 inch of level.
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Flexible Aisle Requirements (≺36”)
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Botanicare BenchingIconsLengthGreaterThan 240605ae
For those looking to maximize canopy and have flexibility to accommodate narrower aisle spacing.
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Egress Aisle Requirements (≻36”)
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Botanicare BenchingIconsLengthGreaterThan 240605ae
Maximize canopy and working aisle space when minimum distances are required.
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Highest Efficiency
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Botanicare BenchingIconsLengthGreaterThan 240605ae
Botanicare Track bench has wall-to-wall travel, ensuring you get an efficient layout and room for the work to be done.
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Compare Trays: Gutter vs. OG

Both tray models feature sturdy, long lasting ABS, but plant count, density and airflow needs will help determine the best option for your room.

Botanicare BenchingPDPTraysBlu 240605ae
ConsiderationGutter TraysOG Trays
High Density Planting
(1 to 2 Plants per Sq. Ft.)
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Botanicare BenchingIconsLengthGreaterThan 240605ae
Botanicare OG trays provide a seamless open top to maximize planting density.
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Medium to Low Density Planting
(.3 to .8 Plants per Sq. Ft.)
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Botanicare BenchingIconsLengthGreaterThan 240605ae
For those that grow in rows, choose between OG or Gutter tray.
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Under Bench Airflow
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Botanicare BenchingIconsLengthGreaterThan 240605ae
Botanicare Gutter tray allows 23% more air passage over OG. Allowing efficient air movement throughout the canopy.
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TriLock Trellis Mounts

Every grow is unique. That’s why we offer options to improve your setup.

Customers looking for a more robust trellising solution can opt for the Botanicare® TriLock™ Trellis Mount Glass-filled ABS, makes these supports 3 times stronger than the standard support while also accepting a wider range of upright diameters (accepts 3/4″ EMT, 3/4″ PVC & 1″ EMT). Note that TriLock adds 2 ⅕” inches to overall system width compared to standard trellising.

When things are tight, standard trellising provides users with a true outside dimension of 4’ and 5’ respectively. Please note that TriLock™ is an optional upgrade for Botanicare® Slide Bench systems using OG Trays.

TriLock Trellis Mounts

We understand that your grow is unique. That’s why we’ve developed options to improve your experience with a more robust trellising support designed to enhance the rigid connection to the bench.

The Botanicare® TriLock™ Trellis Mount is designed to support almost any trellising configuration.

Made of glass-filled ABS, these supports are 3 times stronger than the standard support while also allowing more flexibility in trellis upright diameters (accepts 3/4″ EMT, 3/4″ PVC & 1″ EMT). With a full 7″ of pole engagement, uneven uprights are a thing of the past.

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